Hmmmmmm frndz today i m going to discuss a prety boring topic but this topic maybe became heart beat of those who love to listen the music. Today we will find the way to listen music on iphone through bluetooth. Ofcourse apple didnt support music through bluetooth but there are many hackers in outer world who create tweaks for iphone users like us. Now i will come to the point now frndz we can listen music through bluetooth on iphone we just have to follow the simple steps for it. First go in cydia and search for the software which is called bluetooth mono sbsetteings install it then go in sbsettnings which u install in ur iphone if u didnt install them go and search in cydia sbsettings and install them after installation go in sb settings enable bluetooth mono after that when u launch ur sb settings screen toggle on that toogle screen u will see two blutooth icons turn both on now connect ur bluetooth with your phone and enjoyyyyyyyyy frndz..:D